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How to make a WhatsApp API?

Siren Sirena is a communication solution that allows you to centralize all WhatsApp Business messages in a single panel.  How to make the platform helps sales and service teams efficiently manage and respond to customer messages and provides detailed analysis of interactions. Zenvia Chat Zenvia Chat is a tool that allows you to manage WhatsApp Business conversations in a single environment, facilitating the work of customer service teams. The platform also enables the creation of quick responses and the use of chatbots to automate customer service. Huggy: Huggy is an omnichannel service platform that integrates with WhatsApp Business and other communication channels. The tool allows you to centralize conversations and offers features such as quick responses, automatic messages, labels and tracking metrics. whatsy In short, Whatsy is a customer service platform through WhatsApp that offers several features to optimize service and increase team efficiency.

Siren Sirena is a communication

With the tool, it is possible to automate responses, create personalized conversation flows and configure automatic responses to messages received outside office hours. In addition, the platform allows the management of multiple  Spain Phone Numbers List  WhatsApp accounts, facilitating the work of service teams. Integration with other tools is also a Whatsy differential, such as the possibility of integrating with How to make  CRM software to improve customer and lead management.  ChatGuru At first, Chatguru is a  WhatsApp API customer service platform that uses intelligent chatbots to optimize service via WhatsApp . With features such as auto attendant, mass messaging, personalized chatbot and performance metrics, Chatguru helps companies improve communication with their customers, increasing service efficiency and improving the user experience.


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The Business version

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that, although these tools can be integrated into  Business (App) and help to improve service management, they still do not offer the same range of resources and flexibility available when  DM Databases  using the WhatsApp API with platforms of more robust service. WhatsApp Business Limitations Despite being a useful solution for smaller businesses, WhatsApp Business has some limitations: • Bulk messaging: WhatsApp Business does not support bulk messaging or automation How to make  of marketing campaigns. This makes the tool less efficient for companies that need to communicate with a large number of customers. • Simultaneous service: The Business version of the application does not support simultaneous service to multiple customers, which can lead to delays and dissatisfaction. • Limited integration: WhatsApp Business has limited integration with other service platforms, making it difficult to create a unified customer communication system.

How to evolve your service with Whatsapp and GPT Chat

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular communication tools in the world and. Due to this success, companies of all sizes have startusing the platform as a means of customer service. In order to improve and professionalize this service. WhatsApp Business and How to evolve  the WhatsApp API were develop. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between these two options. Highlighting the benefits of using the WhatsApp API over WhatsApp Business, and addressing the limitations of each service. Brazil is one of the top three world references in the use of WhatsApp The success of WhatsApp in Brazil is notable, positioning the country as one of the main markets for the messaging app worldwide. WhatsApp’s popularity in Brazil is due to several factors. Including the easy adoption of the application by Brazilians, the cost-effectiveness compare to SMS services. And the application’s versatility for many uses.

WhatsApp has become

It is estimatthat more than 120 million Brazilians use WhatsApp. Which represents about 90% of smartphone users in the country. This number places Brazil among the largest global markets for the app, behind only countries like India  South Korea Phone Numbers List  and the Unit States. One of the factors that contributto the popularization of WhatsApp in Brazil was the high tariffs for SMS services by mobile operators. This reality made users look for cheaper alternatives to communicate. And WhatsApp prove to be an attractive option. Offering free text, voice and video messages through an internet connection. Business use of WhatsApp In addition. WhatsApp in Brazil has been widely adopt for commercial purposes. From communicating between companies and customers to carrying out commercial transactions and payments. The Business version of the application and the WhatsApp API allow Brazilian companies to take advantage of the application’s popularity to improve customer service and increase sales.


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The Business version

In summary, the success of WhatsApp in Brazil is the result of a combination of factors, including the search for cost-effective alternatives to SMS tariffs, the rapid adoption of the application by Brazilians and the versatility of the platform to meet  DM Databases  different needs. Both personal and commercial. . This popularity has generat opportunities for companies that want to communicate effectively and innovatively with their customers in the country.  How to evolve whatsapp business WhatsApp Business is a version of the platform create especially for companies. This option allows the creation of a business profile, with information such as address, company description, opening hours, e-mail and website. In addition, it has additional features such as quick replies. Automatic messages and tags to organize conversations. Count on Wedoiti to improve your service Service platforms for WhatsApp Business Here are five customer service platforms that integrate with WhatsApp Business.

Successful strategies (and cases) for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is one of the most important commemorative dates in the trade calendar. After all, it’s an opportunity for children to show all their love and affection for their mothers, presenting them with something special. For entrepreneurs, it’s a chance to leverage sales and win new customers. In this complete guide, you’ll discover the best marketing strategies for Mother’s Day and how to put them into practice to boost your sales. marketing and celebrations Marketing during commemorative dates is extremely important for companies, as it allows them to create specific strategies to reach their customers in moments of great emotional relevance. These dates include, for example, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, among others. The purpose of commemorative date marketing is to promote the company’s brand, products, or services in a more personalized way, in order to take advantage of the celebratory atmosphere and emotional involvement of consumers.

In this complete guide

Companies can create advertising campaigns, promotions, themed events and many other activities that bring the brand closer to customers. In addition, holidays are times when people are more likely to spend money on gifts. Souvenirs and  Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List  celebrations, making these periods ideal for increasing sales. Companies that manage to create successful marketing campaigns .For these dates can see positive results both in terms of sales and in terms of building customer relationships. Therefore, it is essential that companies pay attention to commemorative dates and create effective marketing strategies to make the most of these moments of great opportunity. Successful Marketing Strategies for Mother’s Day Here are some of the best marketing strategies you can consider on Mother’s Day or other dates to attract more customers and increase your sales: Know your target audience Knowing the target audience is a crucial step for the success of any marketing campaign, especially to verify the need for a commemorative date campaign.


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Successful Marketing Strategies

Therefore, it is important to know exactly who you are selling to. What are the needs and expectations of these people with the commemorative date. In addition, knowing the target audience helps to define which approach to use in the  DM Databases  campaign. For example, if the target audience is women who are mothers. The approach can be more emotional and related to love and gratitude for their children. If the target audience is made up of children looking to give their mothers a gift. The approach may be more focused on the search for a gift that represents love and care. Count on Wedoiti to improve your service Create special promotions. For Mother’s Day Offering special sales is a great way to encourage people to buy your products for Mother’s Day.

How these are just a few examples of relevant metrics?

Setting Clear Goals An essential aspect of business process optimization is establishing clear and measurable goals. These objectives provide direction and help guide optimization efforts. Some examples of goals include reducing cycle time for a specific process, decreasing rework, or increasing the accuracy and consistency of results. Set challenging but realistic goals that align with your company’s strategic goals. Identification  How these are of Potential Improvements After evaluating your processes and establishing clear goals, it’s time to identify potential improvements. This involves scrutinizing each step of the process and looking for ways to simplify, automate, or eliminate unnecessary tasks. Consider adopting technologies and tools that can streamline operations and improve efficiency. Remember to involve employees in this process. As they have valuable knowledge about the challenges they face on a daily basis. Count on Wedoiti to improve your sales Redesign and Implementation With potential improvements identified. It’s time to redesign your processes based on these findings.

Setting Clear Goals An essential

Use flowcharts or process diagrams to visualize proposed changes and ensure everyone involved has a clear understanding of the steps to take. Be sure to document these changes comprehensively for future reference. After the redesign, start  New Zealand Phone Numbers List  the gradual implementation of improvements. Consider conducting pilot tests to assess the effectiveness of the changes before rolling them out fully throughout your organization. Remember to provide appropriate training to affected employees to ensure a smooth and successful transition. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation Business process optimization is an ongoing process, and it is essential to establish a monitoring and evaluation system to track the performance of newly implemented processes. Define relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) and track them regularly to ensure improvements are sustainable and deliver the desired results.


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Establishing Key Performance

Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) When performing business process optimization. It is essential to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the progress and impact of implemented changes. Therefore, KPIs  DM Databases  provide both quantitative and qualitative information about the performance of processes. In this way, they allow you to identify areas that are achieving positive results and areas that need improvement. For example you can identify KPIs in the following areas: Commercial : total revenue and new customers; Human resources : employee turnover, employee performance and vacancies; Service : average call time. eEficiency and customer satisfaction; Marketing : lead generation, reach and conversion rates. Therefore, always remember to have your objectives very clear to know what to measure in your analyses.

Broken Links – Are there any broken links on your page?

This approach involves identifying, designing, executing, monitoring and optimizing processes to achieve the company’s strategic objectives. The BPM methodology emphasizes understanding the processes as a whole, from requirements capture to final delivery. The core principles of BPM include clearly defining roles and responsibilities, aligning processes with organizational goals, continuous improvement, and automating Broken Links  tasks where appropriate. Tools such as process flow diagrams, performance analysis, process modeling and workflow management systems are widely use in BPM. This approach allows a holistic view of processes, facilitating the identification of inefficiencies, bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement. Assessment of Current Processes The first step to optimizing your business processes is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your existing processes.

This approach involves identifying

Let’s go to the main steps that you can follow in the evaluation of processes: 1. Mapping of Workflows It is essential to start by identifying  Netherlands Phone Numbers List  all existing processes in the company that need to be evaluate and optimize. Make a complete list, including key processes that have a direct impact on operational efficiency and the quality of deliver products or services. Being clear about the processes that will be evaluate is the first step towards effective optimization. Carry out a detailed mapping of the workflows of each process. This involves identifying and sequencing the steps and activities involve. When analyzing the current flow, try to identify bottlenecks, rework, redundant activities or activities that can be automate. Having a clear understanding of the workflow is essential for identifying areas that need improvement and optimization.


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Mapping of Workflows

Analyze recurring issues, frequent reworks, and activity delays. Also, identify the root causes of problems so that they can be effectively  DM Databases  corrected. By understanding existing deviations and issues, you will be able to target your optimization actions more precisely. 3. Identification of Automation Opportunities Evaluate the efficiency of processes by taking into account the time required to complete each step. Also analyze the productivity of the team in relation to the results obtained. Check that resources  Broken Links  such as materials, equipment and personnel are being used effectively. This analysis will help identify areas where optimization can result in significant improvements in efficiency and productivity. During the assessment, identify repetitive, manual, and time-consuming tasks.

which was done by writing and changing the code in place?

Predicted Revenue: Expected revenue from purchase conversions in the next 28 days for a user. Who was active at least once in the last 28 days. data privacy It’s also important to note that  is heavily focus on customer privacy, and not without reason. The most recent privacy laws, such as the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and the General Data Protection Act, have made many companies reluctant to continue using which was Google Analytics. The latest version of the tool is intend to address such concerns and ensure full compliance with any and all relevant data privacy regulations, making use of the aforemention predictive insights. banner data privacy Differences in data collection Google Analytics 4 differs in how data is defin and collect, as well as how certain data elements and parameters are call. To give an example, Google Analytics 4 is base on events.

Introducing this concept makes

An event is a user interaction with your website, such as clicking a link or making a purchase. Google Analytics 4 measures many of these  Malaysia Phone Number List   interactions by default, with no configuration required, and uses them to compile detailed reports. Also, with the help of GA4 Event tags, you can configure different events without writing code. Universal Analytics, on the other hand, was focus on pageviews, which were often inaccurate and missing. In addition to actual pageviews, things like clicking a link to an external website or downloading an asset were also count as a pageview, resulting in skewed analytics data. Event tracking was something completely separate from that. It also had to be configured manually.Data flow In Google Analytics 4, Google introduced an entirely new concept called dataflow. Represents the flow of data from a specific data source, such as an app or website, to your Google Analytics account.

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An event is a user interaction

Introducing this concept makes it easier to track user traffic across multiple domains. On the other hand, in Universal Analytics, this did not exist. Which made it more difficult for website owners to track user traffic across different DM Databases  domains. Connecting with BigQuery Unlike Universal Analytics. Google Analytics comes with a free connection to BigQuery. An enterprise-grade data warehouse powered by Google. Simply put, it’s a tool for processing large datasets like spreadsheets. It can be beneficial if you are, for example. Managing a large online store and need to analyze the behavior of thousands of users in a timely manner. As a consequence, Google Analytics 4 can help you analyze. And manage data more efficiently compare to Universal Analytics. data retention In Universal Analytics. Data can be stored for 26 months. Meanwhile, retention can be set to a maximum of 14 months.

you can bypass this retention period and retain the data indefinitely?

The only thing you need to do is remember to move this data from Google Analytics to BigQuery .On a regular basis. Better integration with Google Ads If you’re an avid Google Ads user , Google Analytics will be even better for you. With it, you can link any Google Analytics 4 property to Google Ads. You then have the option to import Google Analytics 4 audiences into Google Ads and target each one during paid campaigns. These audiences include predictive audiences. Which are based on the new predictive insights metrics. In Universal Analytics, these predictive metrics did not yet exist. Which made it impossible to introduce such functionality. Disadvantages and cautions with GA4 Early adopters of Google Analytics 4 identified some drawbacks compared to previous iterations of the analytics tool.

The only thing you need

If you intend to migrate to the new system, you should keep in mind each of the mentioned limitations. The most crucial ones include major interface changes and lack of migration support, as well as a limit on custom dimensions  Japan Phone Number List  and metrics, and lack of visualization filters. Lack of data migration You cannot migrate existing data from a Universal Analytics account to a Google Analytics 4 account. The reason for this is differences in how the two calculate and define specific metrics. They do this in two very different ways, which makes the data they store incompatible. While this is a limitation that only affects existing Universal Analytics users, it is significant. To give an example, there is a performance indicator (KPI) called “Users”. In Universal Analytics, the calculation is based on the total number of users who visited a given website. In Google Analytics 4, it focuses on users who visited your site at least once in the last month.

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Custom dimensions and metrics

Custom dimensions and metrics limit Custom dimensions and metrics are special dimensions and metrics that you create in Google Analytics. That way, you can track all the data you want. From email analytics to the number of times users DM Databases  clicked on a specific link. However, you cannot do this freely. Like Universal Analytics, Google Analytics limits the number of custom dimensions and metrics you can create for a single Google Analytics property. Best Ways to Use Google Analytics Reports 4 Understand user behavior The User Flow Report in Google Analytics can help you understand how users interact with your entire site. You can quickly see which pages are the most popular and which pages have the most exits or dropouts. This data can help you identify areas of the site that may need improvement, such as slow load times or confusing navigation. track conversions The Conversions report in Google Analyticsshows you how the marketing efforts you are undertaking are translating into real sales and leads.

A Journey of Digital Transformation: Three Years of Wedoiti

Three years ago, Wedoiti started a journey of digital transformation and innovation. And today it is with great joy that we celebrate our third anniversary. Over these years, we have faced challenges. Overcome obstacles and achieved great results. Our company has become a reference in the market. Helping brands to stand out in the digital environment and achieve their business goals. In this article, we are going to tell a little of that story and share how Wedoiti has become a successful partner for so many companies. Wedoit birthday digital transformation Part 1: From Vision to Reality: The Birth of Wedoiti Three years ago. A group of professionals passionate about technology and innovation . Including our founder Divaldo Oliveira, identified that the Covid-19 pandemic would be a key moment in the lives of several businesses.

Transformation challenges

Implementing an internal culture, with all employees at a distance, adapting to new forms of communication, developing processes… the list goes on. However, these were the same challenges that our  Italy Phone Numbers List  future customers would also face. Making this experience essential to help them achieve their results in a new digital world. transformation challenges In partnership with our clients, we develop agile and innovative strategies, helping them to reinvent themselves and stand out in an ever-changing scenario. As a consequence, these challenges only made us stronger and proved that our pillars are capable of achieving results. In partnership with our clients. We develop agile and innovative strategies, helping them to reinvent themselves and stand out in an ever-changing scenario.

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Results that Drive Success

Results that Drive Success Over these three years, Wedoiti is proud of the results obtained in partnership with our customers. Our data-driven strategies and our expertise in digital marketing and performance have driven the success of DM Databases  many brands. From startups to large companies, we’ve seen businesses grow, expand their online presence and reach a new level of results. Count on Wedoiti to improve your service Part 4: Our Pillars of Success We believe that Wedoiti’s success is based on some essential pillars. Our highly qualified and experienced team is one of these pillars. We have professionals specialized in the various areas of digital marketing, always looking for the best practices and the latest technologies.

Google Analytics 4: what will change?

In 2020 , Google announced its plans to release Google Analytics . The latest version of Google Analytics. On July 1, 2023, the current version of the company’s web traffic data collection and analysis tool (Universal Analytics) will stop processing new data. What is Google Analytics  is a new Google product that allows web .And app data to be collected separately or on an ongoing property. Previously, Analytics was split between web properties (traditional Google Analytics). And Analytics for Firebase (to specifically address application needs). But most importantly, Google Analytics  seeks to provide owners with flexible yet powerful analytics tools within the confines of cookieless tracking and consent management. Key Differences Between Google Analytics and Universal Analytics Google Analytics is quite different from its predecessor. To give an example, it is especially effective in cross-channel data collection. As a result, it offers an easy way to track users across different apps and websites.

To give an example

In the following section, we’ll cover some other key differences between the two platforms. different interface One of the most significant  Indian Phone Number List   differences between the old and new Google Analytics is the interface. The number of data organization levels has decreased from three to just two. For this reason, you shouldn’t expect to find some of the old Google Analytics reports and even certain features in the same place you’re used to. Better tracking across devices and platforms Google Analytics  can measure data from websites. And apps together in one Google Analytics property. It allows you to see the entire customer journey across different devices and platforms. You can then use this data to better analyze the needs and habits of a specific group of customers. As well as to build models of trusted customers. Demo Google Analytics  Count on Wedoiti to improve your service reorganized reports When it comes to customer lifecycle reporting, Universal Analytics only reports on customer acquisition.

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In the following section

Google Analytics 4 can report on the entire customer lifecycle, including retention, monetization and engagement. It’s a big change. This makes  DM Databases  understanding the needs of an average customer much easier. forward-looking information Google Analytics . Leverages machine learning and AI to provide deeper insight into user behavior. It does this by filling in the gaps left by users who have chosen not to collect data and use cookies. With this functionality, should be able to adapt to the latest privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. Rather than relying on user data preferences, if any data is incomplete or inaccessible. It uses predictive analytics and data modeling to compensate for it. Then you get three additional metrics: Purchase Likelihood. Relative to the likelihood that a user will record a conversion event within the next 7 days.Churn Probability.Chance that a user will not be active in the next 7 days.

How to apply process optimization in your company

In today’s fast-paced world, operational efficiency is essential to any company’s success. Streamlining internal processes is an effective way to boost productivity, reduce costs and stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we will explore strategies, methodologies and concepts to help your company optimize its processes. After that, Banner process optimization Understanding Business Process Optimization Before we dive into the details of the steps to optimize business processes, it’s critical to understand what this practice means. Business process optimization involves analyzing, identifying and improving internal operations to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of delivered products or services. By optimizing your processes, you can boost productivity, organizational performance and customer satisfaction.

In this section, we will explore three of these methodologies: Lean Six Sigma, BPM (Business Process Management) and Agile. Each of them  Hong Kong Phone Numbers List  has its own associated principles and tools, offering a solid framework for continuous improvement of organizational processes. 1. Agile method (Agile) This is the methodology applied within Wedoiti. After that, The Agile methodology, originally developed for managing software projects, can also be applied to optimize business processes. Agile emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continually adapting to change, allowing for a more agile, iterative approach to process improvement. Agile principles include forming cross-functional teams, dividing work into smaller iterations, and continually delivering value. The methodology values ​​constant communication between team members, transparency and the ability to respond quickly to changes.

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This approach promotes


Finally, if you want to know more about the agile method, we have the right article for you. 2. Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma combines two DM Databases  distinct methodologies: Lean, which focuses on eliminating waste and improving efficiency, and Six Sigma, which seeks to reduce variations and improve process quality.Lean Six Sigma principles include identifying and analyzing value streams, standardizing processes, The methodology uses a data-driven approach and requires the collaboration of multidisciplinary teams to identify opportunities for improvement and implement effective solutions. 3. BPM BPM, or Business Process Management, is a methodology that aims to systematically improve organizational processes.

Some of the things you might want to update are: Stats – Do you have the latest stats?

Using content refresh, HubSpot was able to update and republish past blog posts that saw an increase in organic traffic of up to 106%. By doing so, they built on existing search authority that the post had already accumulated, which is better than starting from scratch. How to keep the content up to date? One way to do this is to analyze content data with Google Analytics (GA) and Google Search Console (GSC). If you see a post that is out of date but has the potential to rank higher for high search volume keywords, this is an opportunity for you to update some old content. When it comes to updating content, look for accuracy, freshness, and comprehensiveness. Make sure you update it. Then replace the old ones with the newer ones. Irrelevant Images – Try to update your images.

Using content refresh

If so, correct them. Writing – When reading your past content, you may realize that you could have written that sentence or paragraph differently. Well, it’s never too late to improve your content! You can start by making your sentences  Germany Mobile Number List  and paragraphs shorter. Also, don’t forget to check how your page performs on the mobile version. If it’s not formatted well, change it to prevent mobile users from leaving your page. Optimizing the UX/UI design for your mobile site is important, so make sure you follow the mobile first design strategy when developing your site. Examine current data and metrics If you want to focus on growing your organic traffic, look at your current data. By examining them, you can gain insights in just a few minutes. The cool part is that you can reduce the time spent brainstorming ideas by making decisions based on numbers .

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With data analysis

With data analysis, you can find out how users behave on your site, where they come from, what keywords they searched for. This allows  DM Databases  you to modify and tweak your content to get more organic traffic. There are some tools when it comes to analyzing data such as GA and GSC. With GA, for example, you can find out how engaged your pages are and how much traffic you’re converting. Finally, to increase organic traffic, you need to provide users with what they are looking for based on qualitative and quantitative research. With a little patience, you’ll have quality advice, quality information, and insights to increase the time your users spend on your site. Conclusion Congratulations on taking such good steps to improve your rankings and increase your organic traffic! Now that you’ve completed all that hard upfront work, it’s essential to reduce the threat of ranking down over time.

The most coveted phase of the personal  would you read the one published in January 2022 or the one published in January 2023?

In fact, it is the third highest ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. In SEO, this is known as off-page SEO. But about link building, one thing you should keep in mind. If not done correctly, link building can be detrimental to your website and can lead to penalties, account suspension, etc. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are not violating any policies when linking to your pages. In short, if you are providing an outbound link to a website, make sure it generates genuine and trustworthy content. And if the spam score is low enough. use social networks A successful digital marketing strategy does not omit the use of social media . While social media doesn’t directly affect your website’s ranking like SEO does, it still adds tremendous value to your business. Depending on the types of businesses you are operating, focus on one or two platforms.

You can start with LinkedIn

You can start with LinkedIn if you are a B2B company, or Instagram if you are focused on B2C. Don’t forget to add social sharing buttons to  France Mobile Number List   your website and emails as this makes it easier for people to share your content! Take a look at social media as well and see which competitors are gaining Facebook followers, YouTube video views, and actively engaging their audiences on relevant forums or networks. Make a note of any advertising you see from them as you do your research; Are they promoting themselves using PPC, retargeting, or banner advertising methods? Do they partner with relevant industry influencers or other sites? By doing this important work, you are building a picture of the traction each competitor has. From here, you can assess how much effort and which channels to explore to reach and surpass them.

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Consistently reuse and update

More speed, more organic traffic Page speed is a vital factor in providing a better user experience. According to a study by SEO software company Moz: 40% of users abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load and 80% of  DM Databases visitors do not return. Slow loading websites cost retailers a lost $2.6 billion a year in sales. Google will lower your site’s ranking if it finds that users are spending less time on your site. The lower your site ranks, the less visibility it will have. Ultimately, this affects your organic traffic as it makes it difficult for users to find your site. More than half of users are using mobile phones to access the internet. And if you don’t provide them with a good experience, it can lead to a huge loss of traffic. Consistently reuse and update old content If you had to choose between two blog posts about building a website.