Find Out What the ROI of Interactive Content

The ROI of interactive content is higher than that. Of static content and can generate very interesting values, for example, if the content goes viral. Find Out That is why sales and marketing are taking advantage of this type of content to improve their numbers and generate more leads and customers. Interactive content is one of the newest marketing strategies to generate more leads and more customers. This is due to the excellent results that...

Important is the Rest API to the Company Website

Interfaces allow you to add functionality or information to the website in a simple, fast and secure way. Important is In this way, it is possible to create websites or applications in the cloud to access data from more robust systems, such as ERPs, regardless of the platform from which the data originates. This function allows companies to access updated information much more quickly . The features of the Rest API architecture provide a number...

Know the Importance of That Resource for the Performance

API Rest is the set of good practices used in HTTP requests made by an API in a web application. The Performance Understand how this technology works. What types of APIs exist and their importance on a website. It's about understanding how to use HTTP requests. Within specific guidelines, as they are responsible for consistently mapping the elements of a web application. Understanding this topic is important, since this technology is used to...

Create a Meta Description and Invest in Internal Links

It appears below the Title Tag and its content must be short, attractive and informative. Create a Meta The objective is that, upon reading the meta description, the user becomes interested in the material and accesses the website. From there, the goal is to keep you on the site so you can access more content. An important technique for this objective is internal linking . By associating other pages on your website with the words used in the...

Tutorial to Choose the Best Plugins

Optimizing your website to rank better in search results is essential to expand your reach and consolidate your brand as an authority in the market. Tutorial to Anyone who has ever been interested in creating a website has already heard of WordPress . It is one of the most used CMSs in the world, a fame that was not achieved by chance. In addition to facilitating the creation and management of blogs and websites, this tool allows various SEO-...

7 almost unique advantages of Four Square in Online Marketing

7 almost unique advantages of FourSquare in Online Marketing. Discover the main keys that Foursquare offers to connect with customers and link the online and offline strategy for brands. It has great potential to position your business and measure the loyalty of your customers. There are many participation actions that you can generate to offer your products and services. A perfect guide 7 almost unique advantages of Four Square in Online...

10 best employment websites to find a job in 2023

10 best employment websites to find a job in 2023. The Internet is the most used medium for job searching and there are many websites with job offers available on the Internet. The process is quite simple and effective thanks to them, who also make more and more efforts to improve their services. We have made a selection of the 10 best websites to search for jobs. In addition to this mega compilation of the best-known pages, we include a...

500 Infographics for the Community Manager classified into 35 categories

500 Infographics for the Community Manager classified into 35 categories. Discover one of the social networks with the greatest projection today. Share valuable content in a concrete and creative way. This is our compilation by categories on Pinterest of 500 infographics for the Community Manager . In it you will find valuable information about SEO, content marketing, social networks and much more. Do you dare to start yours and help us reach...

Facebook Guide 2022: Strategies and Tips for companies

Facebook Guide 2022: Strategies and Tips for companies. Today we have compiled 10 keys that will help you improve your Facebook strategy with your Fan Page. In this Facebook Guide we summarize the most important steps to take advantage of this social network and not waste time like many companies do. We have to have clear objectives if we want our strategy to be profitable in 2022. Facebook Guide 2022: Strategies and Tips for companies Hello!...

20 tricks to improve your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube

20 tricks to improve your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube. We have compiled 20 tips to improve the positioning of your videos on YouTube and search engines. In it we review all the functions that you can configure on this social network and the details to take into account to increase visits and reproductions. Hello! How are you? Today I want to share with you 20 very important keys that will help you improve the positioning of your videos on...