20 tricks to improve your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube

20 tricks to improve your Video Marketing and SEO on YouTube. We have compiled 20 tips to improve the positioning of your videos on YouTube and search engines. In it we review all the functions that you can configure on this social network and the details to take into account to increase visits and reproductions. Hello! How are you? Today I want to share with you 20 very important keys that will help you improve the positioning of your videos on YouTube so that they appear more easily in search results, both on Google and on YouTube itself.

Name the file correctly for YouTube

Name the file correctly for YouTube. This may also sound familiar to you since we always recommend renaming the images that you are going to upload to your website or blog with the keywords job function email list  that will position your article. You should proceed in the same way with your video files . Always avoid generic names, such as those generated by the cameras or editing programs themselves. Apart from being more attractive and practical for the user, search engines will better understand what you are offering.

Call to action in the title

Call to action in the title. Aside from music videos and adorable pets. Therefore, a lot of YouTube content is geared toward something practical :  Whenever it is logical, include, in both the title and description. Therefore, the action your video is about. Apart from being more DM Databases attractive and practical for the user, search engines will better understand what you are offering. Don’t limit yourself to including a link to your website or your social networks. Therefore, the interesting thing here is that although search engines are not able to interpret the video content.

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