Unilever TV ad accused of greenwashing

Unilever is facing a ban on one of its advertisements , as it does not justify the environmental statements they make about it. It is a spot titled "Real Change" for British television about the detergent Persil. The ad is part of the "Dirt is Good" campaign. This ad highlighted the product's sustainability credentials. It ends with a statement that points to Persil as “the most respectful of the planet,” as Rebecca Stewart points out for...

Why Generation Z doesn’t give a damn about gender

Diversity, discrimination and gender are three words that are even in the soup in the (sometimes heated) current social debates. But what opinion does Generation Z (the new “pretty girl” of brands) have on these three topics? A recent study carried out in Germany by the Fischer Appelt agency and the Appinio market research institute puts answers on the table to answer this question. To undertake their research, Fischer Appelt and Appinio...

Difficulty of measurement and control

Neuromarketing is a discipline that uses techniques and knowledge. Therefore neuroscience to understand how marketing stimuli affect. The brain and consumer behavior. Thus, some potential disadvantages of subliminal. Messages have been identified from a neuromarketing, perspective. Lack of awareness and consent Subliminal messages are presented.  Way that cannot be consciously perceived by consumers. This poses a major ethical disadvantage, as...

Disadvantages of subliminal messages

Surely you already heard that the popular social network. Ther for disadvantages of Twitter changed not only its logo, but also its name a few days ago. This is because Elon Musk decided to buy this powerful. Communication channel arguing that he was concerned about the freedom of expression of its users. The iconic blue bird was replaced by a white.  In this way we see that this  intertwines and connects with several of Musk's companies such...

Ways to implement marketing with

Marketing with a subliminal message is an advertising Ways to technique that. Ther for seeks to influence the minds of consumers unconsciously through visual, auditory or verbal stimuli that are processed by the subconscious without being consciously perceived by the person. The main objective of marketing with a subliminal message is to impact the desires, emotions and behaviors of consumers in a subtle and persuasive way, without them being...

Improving User Experience: Google Core Web Vitals Unveiled

 A beastly percentage! Why does Improving User this happen? In my opinion it happens due to two big factors: 1. The email I sent has the subject “RE: ….” This means that it is a chain continuation of the previous email. What many mailing software does is send you another separate email that is completely unrelated to the previous one. This causes the person who receives it to believe that it is a manual. Email and that it is not part of a...

All You Need to Know About Google Core Web Vitals Optimization

In order to test this I sent the All You following 3 campaigns. With the following results: campaigns for sites in. English Which proves that this strategy with these. Templates gets good, quality links simply for whatever. Language it is. What is the authority of the links obtained. You may be wondering: What authority did the links. I got have? Well, I am not usually guided by indicators such as. DA (from Moz) or DR (from Ahrefs) but in this...

Webmaster’s Guide to Google Core Web Vitals: Best Practices

Snov has a feature Webmaster's Guide where. You can connect your email account via SMTP or you can also. Do it directly to your G Suite. In my experience, the direct connection. With G Suite has very good results because Snov sends. Emails through Google servers and does not do so (as in the case of SMTP). Through the hosting you have contracted. It is for these reasons that I also had to divide all the possible. Links into different campaigns...

The story of the lumberjack and the entrepreneur

The story Entrepreneurship is a long-distance race in which only a few are able to reach the finish line. The majority start the race running hard, but as the race progresses they begin to encounter problems. One of the topics that I insist on both to entrepreneurs with their projects and to SMEs with marketing optimization, is that you have to "sharpen the ax before you start cutting down the tree. /*! elementor - v3.16.0 - 17-10-2023...

What is an entrepreneur? Do you have the necessary profile to be one

 What is An entrepreneur is a person. Therefore, who identifies an opportunity and, knowing the risks, undertakes the action of organizing the necessary resources to become the creator or founder of a company or business, with the aim of taking advantage of said opportunity, obtaining a respective profit. Well, to be honest, once I read it, I don't like thisv definition too much. It seems a bit convoluted, poorly constructed. This definition...

How to define a winning commercial proposal

How to talk about defining commercial proposals, it is best to start by putting ourselves. Therefore, in a situation. Imagine the following context : We are preparing the launch of a new product (or failing that we have to relaunch an existing one). We have some commercial. Therefore, objectives to meet. It is time to move from theory to practice and capture the value proposition of our product on a product page, advertising creatives,...

Spain takes 40 metals in El Ojo de Iberoamérica including two Great Eyes

Spain takes The first day of the XXV Edition of El Ojo de Iberoamérica ended yesterday. Therefore, leaving us with a very good taste in our mouths, and Spain won no more and no less than 40 metals: 9 gold. 13 silver and 16 bronze ; in addition to The "Big Eye" in the "Public Roads" category that the LLYC team brings back home and the "Big Eye" with which TBWA Spain won for the "Trayectoria" campaign for the "International Committee of the Red...