All You Need to Know About Google Core Web Vitals Optimization

In order to test this I sent the All You following 3 campaigns. With the following results: campaigns for sites in. English Which proves that this strategy with these. Templates gets good, quality links simply for whatever. Language it is. What is the authority of the links obtained. You may be wondering: What authority did the links. I got have? Well, I am not usually guided by indicators such as. DA (from Moz) or DR (from Ahrefs) but in this case they do. Help me filter websites. Because? Because whether you want it or not, as long as. It is not a PBN , you will know that if it. Has a good DA or DR. It will surely be a link that will work for you. How to filter said data? Easy, with Ahrefs .

I am not usually All You guided by indicators such as DA

You start by getting a list of relevant industry email list links, and generally start from competitors. We go to a competitor, click on their link profile and export the information to be able to work in Google Sheets. export data from ahrefs Subsequently, the only thing we have left is to filter according to its DR. In this case I took all the links with a DR greater than 35 to send my campaigns. Earned link authority The authority of the links obtained is very good and all the backlinks were placed in content relevant to the projects industry.

Various studies show that it is extremely important

Obviously, there were a greater DM Databases number of links between 35 and 55 Domain Rating, but they are still good links on sites that are part of the niche. They are simply the links that can most enhance these projects and they were all obtained without having to spend a single dollar. Are follow-up emails useful or is just 1 email enough? Various studies show that it is extremely important to track the first email sent since, thanks to that, we can obtain a higher response rate. Luckily, I was able to verify it… and it is indeed like that. Backlinks according to the number of emails sent In fact, 32% of the 36 links generated came thanks to the second email I sent.

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