In other words. Focus on the why behind You can think of these a user’s search query. For example . If someone types “panasonic 43 tv.” you can safely assume that the user’s intention is to make a purchase. However. If the keyword is “43 “panasonic tv reviews”. You can assume that the user’s intention is to obtain information. You can think of these various types of intents as concentric circles that correspond to the stages of a search funnel : user-search-intent-keywords you can take this a step further in your quest for keyword domination by searching for key phrases that have high-ranking and highly shared articles that you can improve.
Let’s say you’re trying to rank for the keyword phrase
This is what I mean. “ seo strategies for a blog .” most people searching for the phrase “seo strategies for a blog” are probably new to content marketing. Not looking for Netherlands WhatsApp Number List bugs. Audits. Or advanced strategies. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to write content that better addresses the user intent for that keyword and will therefore rank higher on google . This gives you a fantastic opportunity to write content that better addresses the user intent for that keyword and will therefore rank higher on google.
Google’s algorithm focuses on providing the best possible
For example. Using the long-tail keyword above. You could Philippine WhatsApp Number List write articles titled: “the best seo strategies to quickly grow your new blog” “x seo strategies for your blog to double your traffic” these titles are much more focused on the user intent behind this keyword search and will quickly move to the google homepage. Why will they quickly rise to the google home page? Because they meet the user’s intention. search result for user queries. If you can successfully fulfill those intentions.