Unilever TV ad accused of greenwashing

Unilever is facing a ban on one of its advertisements , as it does not justify the environmental statements they make about it. It is a spot titled "Real Change" for British television about the detergent Persil. The ad is part of the "Dirt is Good" campaign. This ad highlighted the product's sustainability credentials. It ends with a statement that points to Persil as “the most respectful of the planet,” as Rebecca Stewart points out for...

Why Generation Z doesn’t give a damn about gender

Diversity, discrimination and gender are three words that are even in the soup in the (sometimes heated) current social debates. But what opinion does Generation Z (the new “pretty girl” of brands) have on these three topics? A recent study carried out in Germany by the Fischer Appelt agency and the Appinio market research institute puts answers on the table to answer this question. To undertake their research, Fischer Appelt and Appinio...

A 5-Step Online Reputation Management Guide

Have you ever Googled yourself (or your company) and seen a negative comment or review? Then you should consider proactive online reputation management. But it’s not just negative reviews you need to be aware of. For example, Google “hellofresh pricing” and you’ll see this. What is Online Reputation Management? Online reputation management (ORM) is the practice of using digital marketing tactics and channels A 5-Step Online to help shape...

How to Get High-Quality Backlinks With the TRUST

Back in 2016, I wrote about how maps were the visual format you should be using for link building in… 2016. And I showed how simple maps like this… Building trust with Google Google’s algorithm is a complex beast. Are there 200 ranking factors? 300? Honestly, these days there are probably thousands. And with RankBrain, the factors influencing search results can even vary from query to query. But one thing’s for sure: If you want to get...

Google Sandbox Does Google Really Hate New

The Google Sandbox refers to an alleged filter that prevents new websites from ranking in Google’s top results. Think of it like a probation period—even if you do everything right, your site won’t get decent rankings until it comes to an end. The Google Sandbox has never been officially confirmed by Google. But many SEOs are confident in its existence, as they see sandbox-like effects when trying to rank new websites. So what’s the...

Need a Routine How to Create a Routine

Creating a routine may be simple, but it requires an investment of both time and patience. Here are three steps to creating an optimal routine for your remote Need a Routine work nes. You may ne to determine how much coverage you ne. In this case, work goals take priority. Set goals for your work schule. There’s a lot to handle, but it’s best to start small. Plan your work routine step by step. The first step is to answer the question of...

Work life Balance Will Happen Automatically

Many people think that because they have more time at home, they will have plenty of time to do Work life whatever they want. In the end, you skip unnecessary long work hours and commuting times. But you are wrong! Contrary to popular belief, working from home can be difficult due to overwork. This happens especially when beginners are trying to set limits and find their ideal schule. Since there is no clear dividing line between work and living...

Organize What You Can Control Prepare in Advance

Working from home with a room full of loving family members can be quite a challenge. You cannot Organize What control them in the most optimal way while working. So you ne to focus on what you can control and organize it to the best level. If you find it noisy, you can opt for noise-cancelling headphones or find a peaceful home office space. You can ruce distractions so they don’t affect your ability to work. You also ne to be flexible if you...

Difficulty of measurement and control

Neuromarketing is a discipline that uses techniques and knowledge. Therefore neuroscience to understand how marketing stimuli affect. The brain and consumer behavior. Thus, some potential disadvantages of subliminal. Messages have been identified from a neuromarketing, perspective. Lack of awareness and consent Subliminal messages are presented.  Way that cannot be consciously perceived by consumers. This poses a major ethical disadvantage, as...

Disadvantages of subliminal messages

Surely you already heard that the popular social network. Ther for disadvantages of Twitter changed not only its logo, but also its name a few days ago. This is because Elon Musk decided to buy this powerful. Communication channel arguing that he was concerned about the freedom of expression of its users. The iconic blue bird was replaced by a white.  In this way we see that this  intertwines and connects with several of Musk's companies such...

Ways to implement marketing with

Marketing with a subliminal message is an advertising Ways to technique that. Ther for seeks to influence the minds of consumers unconsciously through visual, auditory or verbal stimuli that are processed by the subconscious without being consciously perceived by the person. The main objective of marketing with a subliminal message is to impact the desires, emotions and behaviors of consumers in a subtle and persuasive way, without them being...

Improving User Experience: Google Core Web Vitals Unveiled

 A beastly percentage! Why does Improving User this happen? In my opinion it happens due to two big factors: 1. The email I sent has the subject “RE: ….” This means that it is a chain continuation of the previous email. What many mailing software does is send you another separate email that is completely unrelated to the previous one. This causes the person who receives it to believe that it is a manual. Email and that it is not part of a...