Breathe the Heavy Air of Mortification

That is what Buika’s song gives us, what she gives us about her, the days that pass true, without her pose, and from that depth of her song, she did, well, she cri, she cri when I turn to see her.The history of humanity records periods of barbarism and events of extreme cruelty whose consideration would put in trouble those who tri to categorically refute the arguments provid by a pessimistic conception of man. But perhaps the 20th century has been particularly exemplary as a display of horrors. The hundr years that clos the second millennium were rich in illuminating circumstances that exhibit a film level of evil and cruelty.

Us Up Why Aren't We

It is true: perhaps this perception is more pronounc due to the closeness that links us to its history and the accentuat contrast establish by the fact that the sufferings inflict by man on his fellow human beings have had as a background a deep secular faith that development social, The moral improvement and happiness of all men were fully achievable objectives. Beliefs b2b leads deeply root in the heart of Modernity and that the nascent last century, although already with a certain distrust, still preserv as a legacy of the Enlightenment. Born in Hungary in 1905, the journalist and writer Arthur Koestler was an exceptional witness of the perhaps singularly gruesome course that was to follow that century that gave rise to two world wars.

Allow to Board the Buses

Locat in a horizon in which hope for progress was declining, his work is representative of the somber mood that accompani the man of our time, shock by the social earthquakes that shook the foundations of the contemporary DM Databases world. His biographical career, moreover, was rich in adventures. The one in which he was about to face a firing squad, without a doubt, had to be the most extreme. Koestler always exhibit a peculiar sense of catastrophe – in some cases, present as a rare self-destructive tendency – that inclin him to always march in the direction of the very telluric center of events.

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