All the details of the Correos event Letters read from great creators

All the Correos and the pro-Royal Spanish Academy Foundation have held the event “ Letters read from great female creators of the 20th century ”. Therefore, through the reading of their personal letters. Therefore, we have heard the words of the creators known as the Sinsombrero and other of their contemporaries. Who have shown the influence and important role that these women had in the different avant-garde movements. Among the letters read are those of the painter Maruja Mallo ; the actress and theater director Margarita Xirgu. The essayist and philosopher María Zambrano . Therefore, letters from some of her contemporaries have also been read. Such as the writers Elena Fortún and María Goyri.

Director of communication and marketing at Correos

The actresses Aitana Sánchez-Gijón category email list and Irene Escolar. together with the writer Espido Freire. Have given life and voice to these letters. In an event moderated by the writer and journalist Manuel Jabois . The event was attended. Representing Correos, by Eva Pavo. Therefore, it was a meeting open to the public who wanted to participate in this emotional and intimate act. Both in person and through the RAE’s YouTube channel and the Correos Twitter channel. Therefore, with the hashtag #CartasLeídas was also at the live celebration. The event is part of the collaboration agreement between the State Postal.

Correos issues stamps in its 8MtodoElAño collection

This campaign is dedicated to emblematic DM Databases women in the fight for equality. The previous ones were dedicated to Clara Campoamor. Isabel Zendal, Almudena Grandes, Dolors Aleu and Concepción Arenal. Therefore, this broadcast is included in the ” Women in Art ” series of this collection. Which is dedicated to emblematic women in the fight for equality. Therefore, telegraph Society and the pro-Royal Spanish Academy Foundation and reaffirms the support of Correos to the world of culture.

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