How to use Google Optimize to perform optimization tests

How to use Google Optimize to perform optimization tests by Victor Campuzano | Apr 6, 2017 | Growth Tools | 19 Comments Have you heard about tools to perform A/B testing on your website? Have you ever thought about optimizing elements of your website? Are you aware of the importance of conversion optimization (known as CRO)? Have you already prepared the macaroni? I do, to everything... Good morning! How are you? I hope well, you already know....

Cinemagraphs have a hypnotic point due to

urcian definition (I hope they don't lynch me): “acho pos is all the less a peacico that shakes” . And I with all my pride. Add lemon. Preppy. Look what the coolest thing I have left. No, it is not like an Instagram boomerang although it does have a repetition . Component . You're getting it, right? Why are they so s . Hocking? Cinemagraphs have a hypnotic point due to the fact of seeing movement in an image that, a priori, we expect to be...

Facebook and Instagram? Videos?

Facebook and Instagram? Videos? No, too much movement. Images? Ugh, too boring. So? Post Cinemagraphs … Hoooola! How's that going? How about you doing? Good? Come on, say yes, I'm sure you have that joy typical of spring, which alters the blood and lifts your spirits... or which makes you calm with the heat, makes you sneeze with the pollens or makes you cold with the sudden cold... It's according to you. got it, right? In any case… Let's go...