How to use Google Optimize to perform optimization tests

How to use Google Optimize to perform optimization tests by Victor Campuzano | Apr 6, 2017 | Growth Tools | 19 Comments Have you heard about tools to perform A/B testing on your website? Have you ever thought about optimizing elements of your website? Are you aware of the importance of conversion optimization (known as CRO)? Have you already prepared the macaroni? I do, to everything… Good morning! How are you? I hope well, you already know. And yes, I always start the same but, hey, I’m really asking you. Let’s see if you ever answer me… For my part, fine. With great news: I have lost 500 grams. Yuhoo!! Operation summer… here I come! Ha ha ha.

Google Optimize 360?

What is Google Optimize and Google Optimize 360? Optimize is a Google tool that allows us to set up tests on our website to check which variants work best and thus improve the usability, design and copy of our pages to, finally, obtain better results. Basically it’s something like this: It allows us to set up tests of various types (A/B, Multivariate and  redirection) on our website, regardless top industry data of the technology, language or CMS with which it is built. It offers us a visual interface to make changes , so we can make most of them without any technical knowledge. It doesn’t matter if it’s WordPress, HTML, PrestaShop, Cacacms or whatever we have. The visual editor will be available. It links directly to Google Analytics , allowing us to use the objectives of this tool as the metric that will determine which variants of the test are most effective.

Analytics data

allowing us to use the objectives of this tool as the metric that will determine which variants of the test are most effective. Analytics data provides us with even more information about the tests , such as demographic data, by source, etc. The test data is also reflected in Google Analytics , thus being able to measure DM Data Bases many aspects of navigation based on these tests. Come on, it looks good for a while, right? The difference between the Google Optimize version and Google Optimize 360 ​​is that the first is free and currently only allows one container (a website on which to do experiments) while the second is a paid solution, part of the Analytics package. 360, with some advanced features and no restrictions.

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