A sitemap is basically where you provide information

Search analytics. And sitemaps tabs. At the A sitemap is basically top of those tabs. You’ll be presente with the “new & important” section. Where google will notify you with updates or issues relate to your site that you can check out. You may also be intereste in: the problem of duplicate content. How to solve it? The crawl errors tab is basically where you get information about how google has followe your links on your website. Seo specialists refer to “ tracking ” or following a path.

 The search analytics tab.

On the other hand. Will show you updates on search Switzerland WhatsApp Number List traffic and how your site appears. Etc. Meanwhile. The sitemaps section is where you’ll see or add your sitemap if you’ve generate one. A sitemap is basically where you provide information about the pages and files you have on your site; it is preferably a way of organizing a website. It may also take some time to manage your settings and preferences. By going to the settings icon where you can find search console preferences.

 You can choose to enable google email

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Notifications so you can get google results updates every Indonesia WhatsApp Number List time they crawl your site. There is also ‘site settings’. Where you can choose your preferre domain and crawl spee. Allowing or limiting google to optimize your website. Other options within google search console other sections you’ll explore in the search console include the search appearance section. The traffic section. The index status section. And the security issues section. The first section which is the search appearance allows you to control how your site will be displaye.

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