Usage Data The first in Big Data is of course

Smartphone Usage Data The first in Big Data is of course, data from the use of the Smartphone itself. Here you can see that almost everyone now has a tablet or smartphone. Which is also a sign that more and more people are using the data for various things . Important applications such as Google Maps, Gmail, and so on will certainly have good potential in collecting data related to your location itself.

Social Media Another thing in Big

Data that needs to be known is from social Finland Phone Number List media. Of course, it is also known that humans in the Millennials era cannot be separated from social media. Every day there is always an update of information about photos and status uploaded on the social media. As is known from Twitter, for example, more than 400 million tweets flooded. In addition, 72 videos are also uploaded on YouTube every minute. Which will make it easier for social media as Big Data to get information about contacts and Also the patterns of use that we do regarding social media.

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The digital footprint that will later become Big Data DM Databases can also be obtained from digitizing media. In the past, people used CDs and DVDs to watch the videos they wanted. But in this increasingly modern era, everyone prefers to use Netflix and Spotify to be able to enjoy everything they want online. So it is certain that the benefits that will be obtained will also be a lot in it. This is what will be able to give maximum impact and also be so special. Your traces will also be recorded while doing this activity. Not to mention other additional activities such as reading specific ebooks on online book sites such as Amazon, Kindle and so on
Do you think that smart devices are currently only smartphones? Of course not, the many other devices that also use Smart technology can eventually become significant Big Data assets. From here you can see that there are Smart TVs, Smart Watches, Smart Fridges, and so on. There are even other devices that use this concept and make it one of the most appropriate Big Data in it. This is all that has become a part of the Internet of Things where everyone is now in the advanced era of the Big Data era.

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