URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL consists of a string of letters, numbers and symbols that denotes an address on the world wide web (WWW). The use of URLs is not only intended to open a website page but also to identify the location of files on the internet.

For example, like the file location when you are going to download images, videos, or pages in HTML format . Basically, the use of this URL is similar to how you would open a file on your computer. When you open a particular file, you usually click twice.

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To open files on the internet, you can’t get Italy Phone Number List physical access like that. Therefore you have to use the URL to find out the location of the file.

A URL is neither a site address nor a site name. The site name is known as the domain. In the URL structure you can actually find the domain name in it. Besides having a domain name, you can also find other components in the URL structure.

URL functions
what are URLs
In its application, the URL has several functions. What kind of URL is used on the internet? Here are some of them:

Name the document The first use of a

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URL is to provide the name and location of a DM Databases document stored on the website.
Easy access to documents. URL helps users to identify and access documents with proper URL address. Given that there are so many addresses on the internet, URLs can shorten the process of finding document addresses more easily.
Makes it easy for users to remember addresses . Users can remember file location addresses or web pages easily using URLs, especially if they recognize their structure.
URL types
URLs are divided into two types, namely Absolute URLs and Relative URLs. The striking difference between the two types is the format of the arrangement.

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