The first category allows you to understand when

Which you can use as a basis to re-strategize campaigns The first category allows on your website. The consumer barometer is easy to manipulate. As it only has four tabs: graph builder . Audience stories . Trending data . And curate insights . All you nee to know is that each tab has preefine sets of questions or crawls that google has worke on. Where you can tailor what you search for using your data. The graph builder the chart builder features a question menu that allows you to select one of 88 preefine questions in three categories.

These three categories are

The online & multiscreen world . The smart shopper Singapore WhatsApp Number List and the smart viewer . The first category allows you to understand when. How and why people use the internet. It has data on internet access and device use. The second category allows you to explore consumer research and the purchasing process of some products. Focusing on key decision-making moments. The last category provides information about the contexts and motivations of people who watch online videos. Including where they are watching.

What devices they use And

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Who they are with them. Another feature of graph builder is the China WhatsApp Number List  filter menu. Where you can explore your target audience’s answers to each question. The menu allows you to select multiple filters from four main categories; country. Demographics. Internet usage and device usage. It allows you to choose one or more of 56 countries from africa. The americas. Asia pacific. Europe. And the middle east. While specifying respondents’ attributes by age.

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