Usage Data The first in Big Data is of course

Smartphone Usage Data The first in Big Data is of course, data from the use of the Smartphone itself. Here you can see that almost everyone now has a tablet or smartphone. Which is also a sign that more and more people are using the data for various things . Important applications such as Google Maps, Gmail, and so on will certainly have good potential in collecting data related to your location itself. Social Media Another thing in Big Data...

In Six Months Give Solid Facts And Figures

Major Mistakes in the About Me Section of Your Resume It is a mistake to list your favorite activities and hobbies instead of focusing on describing the skills that will help employers rate you as an expert. Below are examples of what candidates for the PR manager position can write about themselves on their resume. First of all incorrect: For many years I studi in a ballet studio, participat in art readings, choir, and was a member of the...