It is advisable to ensure you have an adequate data plan

Generally. You can expect a whatsapp call to consume around 0.5 mb per minute. Which is about 30 mb per hour. However. This is just an estimate and actual data consumption may vary. It is important to note that the data consumption of a whatsapp call may increase if you are using the video calling feature. Video calls consume more data due to video streaming. So they may consume about 1.5 mb per minute or more. It is advisable to ensure you have an adequate data plan to cover the data consumption of whatsapp calls and avoid additional charges or exceeding your plan’s data limit.

What option do I have to use whatsapp for unlimited

Calls and messages? Whatsapp is a messaging application Macedonia WhatsApp Number List that is not specifically designed for commercial use. However. Some businesses have found ways to use whatsapp to communicate with their customers. One option is to use the messaging app to answer questions and serve customers quickly and efficiently. It is also possible to use whatsapp to send reminders and promotions to customers. If you want to use whatsapp to communicate with your customers more effectively.

I suggest you use a live chat tool or customer

Whatsapp Number List

Service platform. These tools will allow you to manage Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List your conversations with customers more efficiently and help you provide high-quality customer service. It is important to note that whatsapp does not offer commercial support and does not provide any guarantee of availability or confidentiality for commercial use. If you want to use the app to communicate with your customers. It is recommended that you use a live chat tool or customer service platform that is designed specifically for business use.


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