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On the side of longer or shorter captions its important to remember that every social network truncates captions after a certain character count. The See More link appears automatically at a different point for each network. On Facebook its at about 140 characters. On LinkIn the limit is closer to 100 characters. Keep in mind that these posts reflect the mobile app limit which is often shorter than what displays on desktop. On Instagram the caption limit depends on where the content appears. The character count in the main fe

Much longer than

What shows in the Reels fe (right). One option for optimizing captions is keeping them as short as possible ideally under the limits above. That way users can read the entire caption without business database having to tap the See More link. But concise captions arent always ideal or possible. When you do write longer captions make sure to include a hook before the copy gets truncat. Give users a reason to want to know more so theyll be more likely to engage. The Conference Youve Been Waiting For As a small business marketer you can

Probably only

Will be visible to viewers. Once youve review the titles click Continue to finish the import. ant17 You can upload the videos directly to your YouTube channel unlist) or you DM Databases can upload them to an ad storage channel. If you dont intend for your ads to be visible to the public outside of your target audience the ad storage channel is probably a better option. When the videos finish uploading you can download the data to a CSV file. Make sure to select the appropriate ad type from the dropdown menu. your Google Ads itor dashboard add the missing campaign elements and then bulk import them to Google Ads. rbulkimport19 Alternatively

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