Writing a blog is a marathon. Not a sprint: research shows that most bloggers make a modest amount of money or nothing in their first year as a blogger. Writing a blog is like starting a new business. Therefore. There is a huge learning curve in blogging as there are many things to learn on the blogging journey. Thus. Beginners gradually understand how to write articles that are seo friendly and the process of creating money from blogging. posts and applying proper blog monetization techniques.
Despite taking care of the seo checklist for blog
A new blog will probably take 3-7 months to Iran WhatsApp Number List generate revenue. But if a blogger stays consistent. They will see results and exponential growth. Diversify blog traffic: the key to evergreen content is to diversify a blog’s traffic across the big three search engines: google – is the first and most popular search engine because it is ideal for driving traffic to a blog. Youtube – is a video streaming platform. But people consider it the best search engine after google. Pinterest – is a social media platform.
But it is the third largest search engine
Because it is ideal for people looking for free blog Taiwan WhatsApp Number List traffic generating platforms. People search for their problems on these platforms. Therefore. If a blogger can solve people’s problems through his content. His blog will be on the right track. Therefore. A blogger should focus on the three search engines mentioned to attract traffic to his blog. Instead of putting all his eggs in one basket. The purpose of the content creator should be quality over quantity: the next tip to be a perfect blogger is to focus on the quality aspect over quantity.